Saturday, March 15, 2008

If variety is the spice of life,

then whats to be said for vegetarian dining. Sure if you go to an indian, Vietnamese or italian restaurant then you would be moderately well taken care of but that gets a bit boring. I like dining out, and i like food but vegetarian menu choices are pathetic. I often do online menu searches to decide where to dine and find some with menus. ha!! menu with one maybe if you're lucky two vegetarian dishes. Not exactly variety. Especially when many restaurants favourite vegetarian dish to put on the menu is mushroom risotto. Not exactly original. So I thought there may be people out there that feel the same as i do. So why not review restaurants based on vegetarian criteria.

So here is the criteria based on a 1 to 6 scale.

Variety of vegetarian food - what you can get - menu or no menu
Vegetarian menu choice - whats on the menu
Presentation and service

Any suggestions to the criteria appreciated as this is just off the top of my head.

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