Thursday, April 3, 2008

rediscovering the vegetarian diet

I truly believe vegetarians have such a variety of recipes to choose from and have in their every day eating.  I have a huge repertoir of recipes that I recycle but lately I'm discovering the simplicity of vegetarian food.  I have been vegetarian for about 3 yrs.  I'd say 4 yrs but I caved during pregnancy.  As such I still remember the taste of meat.  It tasted good but its not something I will ever do again (survival permitting).  But I still want in my diet atleast 2 meat-like meals a week.  I don't 'need' them, I just 'want' them.  so I've finally discovered what alternatives I like.  I discovered i like bombay bites which are a curry flavoured tempeh.  And I also like prefried tofu.  Its better if its marinated in soy too.  

I mention this because I know many people become vegetarian but still crave meat.  There are alternatives and they do taste good.  This wont be news to hard core vegos or vegans but here is a list for those wanting to give being a veg a go but need a meat alternative and not just vegies.

soy mince (great in spag bol, and rissoles)
veg chicken nuggets (i made up an awesome vego version, i will post it soon)
tempeh (made from soy beans, you see the whole beans in it)
tofu (so many versions it is truly ridiculous)
then theres the processed fake meats - sausages, devon meat, roasts, burgers

not bad really.  Obviously there aren't crackling replacements and if you could get fake meat that tasted exactly like meat then perhaps we could get on track with making the world a better place.  Ah i'm mumbo jumboing now so i think i'll stop and pick up later.

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