Wednesday, June 4, 2008

my weight and the low carb veg diet

I've been without body weight scales for about 2 months and finally on Monday I bought some nifty ones that do body fat %, muscle% and water%.  And of course they do your actual weight.  After a month of illness and no gym I knew that I had put on some weight, as evidenced by my increasing love handles and the fact that my size 12 jeans were all a little too tight.  Well I was right, I'd gained 2 1/2kg  blerghh!!  It may not seem like a big deal to most but my ideal weight is 63kg, I look good at that weight and I'm usually 65kg which I was just ok with, but that extra 2 1/2 is a killer.  it all goes on that butt and thighs.  Anyway my body fat is good at 24%(22-25 is normal).  I'm aiming for 22.  Not sure if this will equal to 63kg but we'll see.

Continuing to the point, I eat way too many carbs.  Its easy to over do it as a veg i think as you cut out so many fats by not eating meat that you just think you can eat pretty much anything.  So i'm cutting out potatoes and I'm going to try to cut out white carbs like white bread.  So i'm going to record the food i eat here as well as my scale readings.  I don't know if some of what i'm doing is right on this diet but we'll see.  I'm increasing my protein to compensate a bit.

Breakfast yesterday
weetbix with bran and full cream milk

bocconcini, fresh tomato and basil slices

a couple of drinks of chocolate soy milk to tie me over

pumpkin and balsamic onion quiche
baked sweet potato
quartered mushrooms
a small serve of soy sesame tofu
fresh asparagus.

My scales this morning read at 
66.5kg  24%BF 38.4% MM(muscle mass)

Oh and I've bought a low carb veg cookbook of Amazon so I should get that next week.

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